Rest Python Module

Class for the archive interface.

Allows API to file interactions for passed in archive backends.

class pacifica.archiveinterface.rest_generator.ArchiveInterfaceGenerator(archive)[source]

Archive Interface Generator.

Defines the methods that can be used on files for request types.


Get a file from WSGI request.

Gets a file specified in the request and writes back the data.


Get the file status from WSGI request.

Gets the status of a file specified in the request.


Move a file from the original path to the new one specified.


Stage a file from WSGI request.

Stage the file specified in the request to disk.


Write a file from WSGI requests.

Writes a file passed in the request to the archive.


Create an archive interface generator.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


The default error page should always enforce json.