Source code for pacifica.archiveinterface.backends.posix.extendedfile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Extended File Object Module.

Module that Extends the functionality of the base file object

to import:

>>> import ExtendedFile
>>> from extendedfile import ExtendedFile
>>> ExtendedFile(path, mode)
import os
from six import PY2
from ...archive_utils import int_type
from .status import PosixStatus

[docs]def extended_file_factory(filepath, mode): """Return appropiate binary io object with additional methods.""" if PY2: # pragma: no cover only one version of python # pylint: disable=undefined-variable file_obj_cls = file # noqa # pylint: enable=undefined-variable elif 'r' in mode: # pragma: no cover only one version of python from io import BufferedReader file_obj_cls = BufferedReader else: # pragma: no cover only one version of python from io import BufferedWriter file_obj_cls = BufferedWriter class ExtendedFile(file_obj_cls): """Extending default file stuct to support additional methods.""" def __init__(self, filepath, mode, *args, **kwargs): """Set some additional attributes to support staging.""" if PY2: # pragma: no cover only one version of python super(ExtendedFile, self).__init__( filepath, mode, *args, **kwargs) else: # pragma: no cover only one version of python from io import FileIO file_obj = FileIO(filepath, mode) super(ExtendedFile, self).__init__(file_obj) self._path = filepath self._staged = True def status(self): """Return status of file. Since POSIX, will always return disk.""" mtime = os.path.getmtime(self._path) ctime = os.path.getctime(self._path) bytes_per_level = (int_type(os.path.getsize(self._path)),) filesize = os.path.getsize(self._path) status = PosixStatus(mtime, ctime, bytes_per_level, filesize) status.set_filepath(self._path) return status def stage(self): """Stage a file. Since POSIX, essentially a no op.""" self._staged = True return ExtendedFile(filepath, mode)